Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Asia’s Fight for Web Rights
Far Eastern Economic Review:
"All three companies do offer censored search engines in China–with Yahoo China censoring the most, msn China a bit less and Google.cn censoring substantially less than Yahoo China."
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wikipedia goes old-media in Germany
International Herald Tribune:
"When someone decides to look something up in Wikipedia, a computer is typically involved. But that may well change.
In Germany, a printed collection of Wikipedia articles is being produced for the first time by a major publisher, Bertelsmann.
The book, 'The One-Volume Wikipedia Encyclopedia,' which will go on sale in September for €19.95, or about $32, is an odd experiment in reverse publishing."
In Germany, a printed collection of Wikipedia articles is being produced for the first time by a major publisher, Bertelsmann.
The book, 'The One-Volume Wikipedia Encyclopedia,' which will go on sale in September for €19.95, or about $32, is an odd experiment in reverse publishing."
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Century In Video - 1919
Of course none of my text makes any sense now.
Here is a 1919 New York City street scene. Traffic was very chaotic.
I can't see any traffic lights in the film, although they were in existence by then.
If you look closely you'll notice that the cars have both right and left hand drive even though everyone drove on the right side of the road.
New York started driving on the right in 1804 but...
Early American motor vehicles were produced in [right hand drive], following the practice established by horse-drawn buggies. This changed in the early years of the 20th century: Ford changed to [left hand drive] production in 1908, and Cadillac in 1916.
Admit it, even if they were slow and a titch drafty, wouldn't it be pretty cool to have just about any of those cars?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Earth Day Challenge-Free Giveaway!
April 22nd is Earth Day. In an effort to promote Earth Day, I am issuing my Earth Day Challenge, the winner will receive a prize! Here's what you have to do: Do anything that you would consider in line with Earth Day. This may include something along the lines of the three R's- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Create something new from something old, implement some cool recycling idea, repurpose something old whether from your house, or from a thrift store... For those of you who don't consider yourself crafty, show me how green you can be- your greenest outfit, greenest meal or dish, submit a cool picture of something green, and the list goes on. It can be something you created or did in the past as well as new creations. Basically anything goes in this challenge- if you think it qualifies, I probably will too. Be creative! Go wild!
Once you have completed the challenge, either post a picture of it on your blog, or email me a picture of it (if it is something that can't be photographed then just tell me about it.) My email is on the side bar at the top. Then write a comment on this post telling me you've completed the challenge and where I should check. Make sure that I have someway of contacting you.
Now, the winner of this challenge will receive a reward, handmade by ME. It will include:
This lovely set of four washcloths, which are terry cloth on one side and backed with leftover scraps of four different green materials.
...and this funky little apron made from materials I had laying around or left over from old projects!
I will send them to the winner free of charge (must live in the U.S. or Canada)! I will accept submissions up through midnight on Earth Day (MST). I will choose a winner on the morning of the 23rd and their submission and picture will be posted for all to see. Pass the word along to as many people as you know- the more submissions, the more fun! If I don't feel that I have enough submissions by Tuesday night, I may extend the challenge deadline. Now start thinking GREEN!
Visit the sites on my sidebar for some cool green sites & things!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Myths About America

Here is an account by Peter Hitchens of his train journey from Washington DC to Chicago. How many Americans make such a journey nowadays? But Peter is a big train fan. Not the least of his complaints about modern British governments is the massive cuts in our railway network since the 1950s. When the French President Sarkozy recently came to London, Peter wondered why he came by air when there is a superb high-speed rail link between the centres of London and Paris, which are much closer together than Chicago and Washington. When I flew to Paris in 2006, it took ages to get the Metro from Charles de Gaulle Airport into the Gare du Nord; and that is the station where the Eurostar train from London arrives.
America, the UK and Misleading Myths
Peter Hitchens
As some of you may have noticed, I spent last week in the USA. I managed to do a lot of traveling by train, as the USA's passenger rail system is a lot more comprehensive and more pleasant to use than most people (including Americans) think. The journey between Washington DC and Chicago brings to mind John Keegan's remark that, while England is a garden, North America is still largely a wilderness.

You'd never get the opportunity to see this contrast if you took either the plane (which ignores the country in between) or the Interstate motorways, which sweep past and round physical features, and are bordered with regular trees, motels and restaurants. But the train plunges you into wildness, just a few miles out of the capital. After Harper's Ferry, a melodramatic and romantic place, overhung by tall cliffs, which entirely lives up to its legendary name, the tracks wind for hours through deep forest, along the upper reaches of the Potomac , wholly wild and barely inhabited, probably unaltered for thousands of years.
This is not the distant west or even the overpowering space of the prairies. It is just over the horizon from the great belt of intense human settlement that runs all the way down from Boston to Richmond, and on the way to another glowing concentration of human power and energy, the chain of industrial cities that lie along the southern edge of the Great Lakes.
Even once the mountains are over, the sense of space is always there. And I think this is another of the main differences between our two cultures, the immense amount of room in which Americans find it easier to get along with each other by staying a safe distance from each other. It was also astonishing to pass through the gigantic steelworks that still fringe the southern edge of Lake Michigan, though I think they're much diminished from how they were 20 years back. . I wonder if they'll be there at all in 20 years, given the pace of globalisation, but they give you some idea of the colossal industrial and economic power which was unleashed in the USA by the Second World War - and they reminded me of what Sheffield and Rotherham used to look like when we still had a serious steel industry.
It doesn't matter how many times I'm told that it doesn't matter that we know longer make very much ourselves. I can't help thinking that it does matter, and also that a society which doesn't have jobs for men to do, such as steelmaking, coalmining and shipbuilding, has lost something very important. We've mechanized the land, and exported most of the hard manual work to the East. Is it, can it be right for us to live at such a distance from the making of real wealth, and the growing of real food?
As for the debate in Grand Rapids which was one of the reasons for my journey, I still haven't seen it (my reflections on the event were published in the MoS on Sunday and can still be found on the website). If you take part in such a thing, you get a very misleading impression of it. But it was clear that there is ( as I knew there would be) a great gulf between American and British ways of expressing things, and between the two wholly different experiences of the early 21st century. I am told that most in the audience simply couldn't believe my description of the violence and disorder in British cities nowadays, much as I suspect many British people would be amazed by the order and safety of most of America. Both nations subsist on myths about each other which are almost completely misleading.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Multiculturalism in the UK

This French style property, conceived by a member of wealthy German Jewish family and filled with treasures from half of Europe, was multiculturalism made concrete. The Rothschilds lived on a different planet to their employees, economically, mentally, culturally and certainly politically. The guests included Queen Victoria and Winston Churchill. The latter always asked for the only bedroom suite which has a balcony - most likely so that he could enjoy a smoke without trekking down to the smoking room or offending against the house's rigorous no-smoking rule (another area where it was way ahead of its time).

The Other Universe - Rural Life
The contrast between the lives of such people and the surrounding rural population can hardly be imagined. In Reading we have a superb little museum, The Museum of English Rural Life (www.reading.ac.uk/Instits/im). This documents the English countryside before the mass mechanization of the 20th century. The most obvious difference was the localization of the economy. Everything was grown or made within a very small radius of where it was used or consumed. The four essential raw materials were wood, straw, leather and iron. The raw iron might have to be imported from Wales or elsewhere in Britain, but the local blacksmith would transform it into horseshoes and agricultural tools. The other three essentials came directly off the local land and animals. There was no national manufacturer, much less a m
Driving along I was struck how my little car represented this trend conveyed to the masses. I was listening to the CD (invented by and developed by the Japanese company Sony and the Dutch company Philips) sung by Katie Melua, born in Moscow of Georgian parents and brought up in Belfast. I could insert any CD, bought for few lousy pounds, and have any musical genius on earth entertain and uplift me. I need spend nothing at all, push preset button 3 and get non-stop classical music on BBC Radio 3. To give you an example, a few years ago Radio 3 devoted two weeks to broadcasting the entire work of J S Bach. Or I could push button 4 and get non-stop news and documentaries on every conceivable topic from Radio 4.

Most of this is due to geographical stability and isolation. Around 1980 I read of a woman in the village of Sonning Common, 4 miles north of my house, who had allegedly never been outside the village in her whole 70 years. Was this even physically possible I wondered? Well, she would have gone to the local village school until her education finished at the age of 14 - no high school or university. If she was lucky with her health she need never have been hauled off to hospital in Reading or elsewhere. She could have worked locally in a shop or on a farm or as a domestic servant. In short, she could have lived as much of the rural population lived up to 1914.

Other factors influence linguistic variety - an obvious one being occupation. An enthralling documentary on accents in Northumberland, the far North-East corner of England, described the different vocabularies of the shepherds, miners and fisherman who lived only a few miles apart, but in three different worlds. Plainly this fascinating diversity is going to be diluted or erased once these occupations disappear; the "local" people mix in jobs at the "local" supermarket (identical to 300 others) and factories and watch the same international soaps and movies created thousands of miles from their homes.
Local life still varies considerably from one country to another, but the physical environment and mental furniture have become standardized to a staggering extent. It was both fascinating and depressing to watch a young Chinese woman watching a "traditional" Irish music DVD in a video shop in Hong Kong - especially as the DVD was itself a hyper-glossy professional production remote from the joyful "craic" of an evening's music making and dancing in a small pub or village hall in rural Ireland, yet obviously going to be a multinational best seller. It was almost a metaphor for the phoniness of "multiculturalism" itself.
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