For the past few days, I've been taking Cabana to a new dog park. It's the perfect walking distance from our house (about 2 miles), so we walk there, then Cabana gets playtime, and then I walk a too-tired-to-pull Cabana back home. The dog park is actually a soccer/softball field, but during winter, when no one is using the fields, dogs are allowed off-leash from 6am until 3pm. I've walked past this place hundreds of times but had never read the sign until this week! Hey, they don't say I'm quick on the uptake for nothing. But I suppose it's just as well since it would have been a forbidden temptation to bring her here before now anyway.
Yesterday, Cabana got to play with a lot of great dogs there--but her favorite was the sweetest little pit bull named Kona. She was newly rescued from a shelter just the day before and loved herding Cabana, who it seems loved to be herded! I didn't have my camera--drat! But I made sure I had it with me today....
Except NO ONE ELSE was there this morning! Maybe it was a bit too early (I left the house at 7:30), and it was a Sunday, and very, very foggy.
In fact, the fog was so thick that I couldn't see Cabana when she went to the other side of the field. I wasn't too worried because the field is fenced, but I ambled over to find her--should I be surprised at what I found her doing?!
Yep, another mud puddle!

Cabana was a bit freaked out by this seagull feather, above. She was checking it out intently. (Cabana does this at home with escaped feathers from our down pillows--it's so funny how dismayed she is by them!)
I'm doing a little experiment. I'm going to take Cabana to this dog park every day for a week and see if it makes any difference in her dog distraction. I don't know if I should really count today, though, since she didn't actually get to play with any dogs!