
Saturday, November 13, 2004

Hallowiener Walk

Very, very late post....

Went on a wiener walk for Hallowe'en. Lots of wieners, lots of treats.

Brat went as a dragon. Some people thought she was a dinosaur, that works too. Meet Bratasaurus Rex:


This is our neighbour (and Brat's best friend) Daisy:


There were a few non wieners too:




Of course we had games. This is musical hoops:


And guess what tired pooch won best costume?


Saturday, September 11, 2004

Another Wiener Walk

Went on another wiener walk today at Peace Arch Park. This one hosted by the Miniature Dachshund Club of BC.

Here's the Bratster:

2004-09-11-Mini Wiener Walk 01

And here is everyone walking their wieners:

2004-09-11-Mini Wiener Walk 04
This was the first walk this group has done, and it went very well. Mostly sunny, lots of happy dogs (about 40), races and games and treats for the pooches.

Brat is sleeping it off now.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Nothing Exciting Tonight....

Haven’t written in awhile, I know. And you ain’t getting much tonight either… Just this great flyer a co-worker found. What were the marketing people thinking! (This is from a Mervyn’s flyer)


g’night y’all

Saturday, August 7, 2004

All Is Well....

Brat survived her tutoring with no problems. She was very dopey last night and mostly slept.

Here she is with daddy, showing off her stitches.


And this morning sharing breakfast and back to normal.


Also the new yard (to go with the new deck) is mostly done. A few picky bits to finish, but already 500% better!

This is what the old carport / deck looked like just before we ripped it down:


Here is a repeat shot (from earlier blog) showing the new deck, but with the yard not yet started:


And here is the yard now:


I'm so happy :-)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Where Is The Border?

I went to a wedding this weekend in a park right on the US Canadian border. The actual ceremony was held in the US, but the bride and groom walked about 50 feet north to Canada to sign the registry due to the fact that the marriage commissioner was not entitled to perform marriages in the States. I spent some time before the ceremony watching the lineups to cross both borders:


And then I walked about 100 feet into the park and took this picture:


Everything from those trees to me is in the US. The houses and the road are in Canada. What separates the 2? A little ditch.

How much you wanna bet those Canadians (Surrey, BC) cross the road and go to the American (Blaine WA) 7/11 to buy beer?

BYW, most of the cars in the 1st photo took about an hour to cross

Gotta love international security :-)

Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain,
For strip-mined mountain's majesty above the asphalt plain.
America, America, man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea.
~George Carlin

(Not that we Canadians are saints!)

Monday, July 5, 2004

New Deck...

So here are a few pics of the new back deck. The floor has since been stained brown and the rest of the structure will be stained a dark green and wine / burgundy colour to match the front porch:




Thursday, June 10, 2004

What A Mess!

So of course when I'm at work all day the dog gets bored, bored, bored.

She has roughly 5000 toys, but does that keep her happy, NO!

She has a training pad holder

That we put newspaper in and lately she has taken to ripping the *)#*R$#& out of the newspaper and throwing the scraps all over her pen.

This is what her pen should look like: (Minus the crate, we've taken that out. The pad holder is behind the crate in this picture)


And this is what it looked like @ 7:19 tonight:


Haven't been writing much lately because... because... Well I haven't felt like it... So there.

But that's probably just as well. With the current excitement level in my life you would at best get an breathtaking account of what I had for dinner (tonight - McFood!) Or perhaps the joy that is summer television (oooooh, a Simpsons I've only seen 56 times)

And here is a strange phenomenon that only ever seems to happen to me. I will - out of boredom - watch some stupid sitcom that I've never seen before. Deciding I hated it I'll set out to never watch it again. 6 months later - again out of boredom - I'll decide to give the show another chance. Guaranteed it will be the same stupid episode I watched the first time. How can you give something a 2nd chance when the 2nd chance is the same as the 1st chance?

<unrelated bit>
We are getting a new back deck and downstairs bathroom. I'll post the exciting pictures when done. Can you wait?
</unrelated bit>

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Wonderful Weekend!

Had a super long weekend. Friday it poured, with thunder and lightening, and part of Saturday. But by mid Saturday it cleared up and was in the high twenties for the rest of the weekend.

Went to the Victoria Day celebrations at Queen's Park on Monday. Started out watching the "The Ancient and Honourable Hyack Anvil Battery" at the Queen's Park stadium. This is a 21-gun salute to the monarch, but instead of using guns, or a cannon, they put black powder in between two anvils (bottom one 350 pounds, top one 150 pounds) and then light the powder with a red hot rod. The whole thing explodes with an incredible bang (Very, very, loud!). Repeat 21 times.

After that we went over to the fair. Lots of kiddy rides, dog agility show, junk food, petting zoo and water park. Good donairs, great lemonade. We took Brat (La Wiener) to see the dog show, she was fascinated with the whole thing and wanted to join in. She's 4 months's old now and up to a fantastic 8 pounds. Want's to play with everyone of course, but still just our baby.

Spent the rest of Monday lazing on the front porch and eating ribs.

May sound pedestrian, but it don't get much better.