
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Scars on Broadway - Scars on Broadway

scars on broadway single system of a down


1. "Serious"
2. "Funny"
3. "Exploding/Reloading"
4. "Stoner Hate"
5. "Insane"
6. "World Long Gone"
7. "Kill Each Other/Live Forever"
8. "Babylon"
9. "Chemicals"
10. "Enemy"
11. "Universe"
12. "3005"
13. "Cute Machines"
14. "Whoring Streets"
15. "They Say"

Download HERE


The Smashing Pumpkins - Earphoria

the smashing pumpkins earphoria rock billy corgan zwan james iha

1. Sinfony
2. Quiet - Live in Atlanta 1993
3. Disarm - Live on English TV 1993
4. Cherub Rock - Live on MTV Europe 1993
5. Today - Live in Chicago 1993
6. Bugg Superstar
7. I Am One - Live in Barcelona 1993
8. Pulseczar
9. Soma - Live in London 1994
10. Slunk - Live on Japanese TV 1992
11. French Movie Theme
12. Geek U.S.A. - Live on German TV 1993
13. Mayonaise - (acoustic), Live Everywhere 1988 - 1994
14. Silverfuck/Over the Rainbow - Live in London 1994
15. Why Am I So Tired?

Download HERE


The Smashing Pumpkins - Aeroplane Flies High Boxset

The Smashing Pumpkins Aeroplane Flies High Boxset Rock Seattle Billy Corgan Zwan James Iha

Disc: 1
1. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
2. ...Said Sadly
3. You're All I've Got Tonight
4. Clones (We're All)
5. A Night Like This
6. Destination (Unknown)
7. Dreaming

Disc: 2
1. 1979
2. Ugly
3. The Boy
4. Cherry
5. Believe
6. Set The Ray To Jerry

Disc: 3
1. Zero
2. God
3. Mouths Of Babes
4. Tribute To Johnny
5. Maquis In Spades
6. Pennies
7. Pastichio Medley

Disc: 4
1. Tonight, Tonight
2. Meladori Magpie
3. Rotten Apples
4. Jupiter's Lament
5. Medallia Of The Gray Skies
6. Blank
7. Tonite Reprise

Disc: 5
1. Thirty-Three
2. The Last Song
3. The Aeroplane Flies High (Turns Left, Looks Right)
4. Transformer
5. The Bells
6. My Blue Heaven

Download HERE


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Have Any Overdue Books?

You better hope not as it might just land you in the clinker.

Ask Heidi Dalibor of Grafton Wisconsin. She had two overdue books from the U.S.S Liberty Memorial Public Library and owed a grand total of $37.94. But that was enough to the have her arrested.

Entire story (with papers & mugshot) here

Michael Phelps Returns To His Tank At Sea World

The Onion:
"Fourteen-time Olympic gold medalist and SeaWorld main attraction Michael Phelps returned to his seven-million-gallon water tank Wednesday to resume his normal schedule of performing in six shows a day for marine park crowds every day of the week. ;)"

El Cruce - A Lo Amigo (2002)

el cruce a lo amigo blues criollo jazz chile new orleans rock chilenoTracklist

02-Mi negra
03-Blues a un amigo
05-Niña de lluvia
06-Chica ideal
07-Hoy no llorare
08-Para de odiar
10-Tal vez sera mejor
11-Crossroad blues
12-Since i met you
13-I´m your hoochie coochie man

Download HERE



Sunday, August 17, 2008

Above The Golden State - Above The Golden State

Above The Golden State Rock pop christian music jesus rocks

1. Loud and Clear
2. Gaze Into Your Eyes
3. Sounds Of Your Name
4. Streets
5. I'll Love You So
6. Comeback
7. Love
8. Chapter 13
9. Scared
10. One Thirty-Nine
11. The Haunting
12. All My Heart
13. Real To Reel

Download HERE

The SMashing Pumpkins - Adore

Smashing Pumpkins Rock Alternative Electronic Grunge Billy Corgan Zwan

1. To Sheila
2. Ava Adore
3. Perfect
4. Daphne Descends
5. Once Upon a Time
6. Tear
7. Crestfallen
8. Appels + Oranjes
9. Pug
10. The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete
11. Annie-Dog
12. Shame
13. Behold! the Night Mare
14. For Martha
15. Blank Page
16. 17
17. Once in a While

Download HERE

The Smahing Pumpkins - Adore Demos & Random


1. For Martha (instrumental)
2. Chewing Gum
3. The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete
4. Annie-Dog
5. Once in a While
6. Do You Close Your Eyes
7. My Mistake
8. Blissed and Gone
9. The End Is the Beginning Is the End
10. The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning

Download HERE


The Shins - Wincing The Night Away

shins wincing the night away subpop records indie

1. "Sleeping Lessons" – 3:58
2. "Australia" – 3:57
3. "Pam Berry" – 0:57
4. "Phantom Limb" – 4:49
5. "Sea Legs" – 5:23
6. "Red Rabbits" – 4:32
7. "Turn on Me" – 3:43
8. "Black Wave" – 3:19
9. "Split Needles" – 3:47
10. "Girl Sailor" – 3:46
11. "A Comet Appears" – 3:49

Download HERE


RFID "Magic"

Pretty sweet RFID table application.

Microsoft Surface. Check out the video section.

We saw this demo'd at the Innoventions exhibit @ Disneyland.

More info here

I want!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Shins - Oh, Inverted World

shins inverted world caring is creepy garden state ost zach braff scrubsTracklist
1. "Caring Is Creepy" – 3:20
2. "One by One All Day" – 4:09
3. "Weird Divide" – 1:58
4. "Know Your Onion!" – 2:29
5. "Girl Inform Me" – 2:21
6. "New Slang" – 3:51
7. "The Celibate Life" – 1:51
8. "Girl on the Wing" – 2:50
9. "Your Algebra" – 2:23
10. "Pressed in a Book" – 2:55
11. "The Past and Pending" – 5:22

Download HERE

My parents are buried in the Henley Road cemetery, about a mile from my house. Compared with Italian, French and Greek cemeteries, British graveyards are boring and drab resting places. The wonderful cemeteries I have seen in Paris, Milan and Athens are full of remarkable family vaults, some like small chapels, plus elaborate headstones and statues galore.

You get occasional disappointments. Francois Truffaut's grave in Montmartre cemetery is marked by a flat black slab, overhung by branches. It is a surprisingly low key memorial for one of the brightest lights of the French New Wave of filmmakers. There was little sign that anyone had visited it recently; I had considerable trouble finding it despite the helpful cemetery plan given out at Montmartre's entrance. I remember Steven Spielberg's heartfelt tribute to Truffaut at the 1985 Oscars after the French master's tragically early death. In the same cemetery, the composers Offenbach and Berlioz have far more impressive tombs.

But Henley Road cemetery has its points of interest. On its north side it is dominated by the BBC's monitoring centre with its huge satellite dishes. This records TV and radio programmes from all over the world. Thus it was the first place outside Germany to learn of the surrender in 1945 and the first place outside Russia to learn of the coup against Gorbachev in 1991. Bizzarrely, Gorbachev explained afterwards that, while he and his family were locked up after the coup, he kept in touch with what was happening in Russia by listening to the BBC Russian service.....

Most of the graves in Henley Road are more like Truffaut's grave than that of Berlioz. This is especially obvious on the newest section on the east side where the graves are packed in very tightly between narrow paved paths. At least my parents' grave is more widely spaced from its neighbours and covered in grass. I usually visit an old friend's grave in this cramped section. He died in October 2002. But it was not until January 2003 that we finally had his funeral. He died in the Royal Berkshire Hospital and there was no known relative to claim his body and arrange a funeral. Thus he fell into the care of a specialist worker at the hospital who looks after such bodies. At any one time there are around twelve bodies in the cold store awaiting a relative to be traced. Some may have a name; some may be completely unidentified.

Sooner or later an unidentified body has to formally disposed of and the social worker at the RBH would visit the local Registrar of Births and Deaths to sort out the paperwork. Brian was fortunate in having friends to take an interest in him and push for a decent funeral. We did not know where any of his family, even his ex-wife, might be living or how to trace them.

It was not just the social worker at the hospital who took an official interest in Brian. To our surprise, he had several thousand pounds in various savings accounts, even after the funeral expenses. Thus, the "Bona Vacantia" department got involved. This is one of the oldest Government departments anywhere in the world. The Latin title means literally "empty goods" and it looks after the affairs of anyone who dies without leaving a will and without known relatives. I had a brief correspondence with them, listing the friends with an interest in Brian and suggesting destinations for his money - such as charities I knew that he was interested in. They replied courteously, explaining that, unless there was a will legally recording Brian's wishes, they could not accept our suggestions. Any surplus funds from Brian's estate would go to the State, though if relatives turned up years later the money would be distributed to them.

But Bona Vacantia were legally able to fund a headstone and so we chose a beautiful blue granite slab with gold lettering : "Brian Brewer: A good and kind man". That wording was chosen by a genuine friend and neighbour who looked after Brian in his last years as he was sinking into early senility and took him a meal each day. It summed up our happy memories of him. But compared to the surrounding headstones talking about a much-loved grandfather, mother, sister, etc, it seems a very bare memorial to his 60+ years on earth.

But Brian's end was not without humour. He worked in the motor trade for years and was very patriotic. I remember another friend on the funeral day declaring how outraged Brian would have been to be transported on his final journey in a stretch Volvo (and a metallic silver one to boot!) rather than a good traditional British hearse... By the time Bona Vacantia had approved the release of funds and we had chosen a headstone, it was going into 2005. Not surprisingly, the engravers put the wrong date of death on the headstone - October 2004 rather than 2002. They had probably just been doing loads of "2004" engravings. It was a serious blunder, as they should have sent us a proof-reading copy of the proposed text before putting drill to granite. But we were sure that Brian would have been amused; a friend declared that he was given two years off Purgatory, courtesy of the bungling Co-op Funeral Service. So the headstone will bear the wrong date in perpetuity.

I heard some time ago that the London police typically have 800 unidentified and unburied bodies on their hands at any one time. This sounded incredible, until you realise that London has about thirty times the population of Reading. Thirty times twelve makes 360. Then add in the fact that London is going to be a magnet for the homeless, vagrant, drifter and refugee from all over the world and 800 does not seem so high. It is part of the squalid underside of any prosperous city or town which no one wants to think about.

A local voluntary worker with the homeless ran a soup kitchen and drop in centre and was regularly summoned by the police to identify bodies. Typically it was an old alcoholic who had fallen in the river or been found dead from exposure after a winter's night outside. Usually the conversation would go: "Yes, that's old Tom. He was a regular for the last six months at the centre. No, sorry, he never gave his surname. I think he had a sister in Glasgow....sorry, I don't know her name...".

Without a name or date of birth or any official documents such as a bank card or National Insurance (Social Security) Number, the police are totally stuck. The body will eventually be laid to rest in a pauper's grave at public expense.

About twenty years ago, workers demolishing an old house about half a mile east of St James found skeletal remains in the attic. There was an empty cider bottle nearby, but no other clue to the identity or lifestyle of the deceased. I remember our parish priest at the time praying for the repose of this unnamed soul and felt some inadequate consolation that someone cared about him for a few seconds.

The wonderful words of "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" always come to mind in a graveyard:
Time like an ever flowing stream
Bears all her sons away.
They fly, forgotten as a dream,
Dies at the waking day.

Most of the people in the fancy tombs in Paris are forgotten, apart from a few big names like Berlioz, Jean-Paul Satre, Chopin, Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett. And, to judge from the size of the memorials, they were all people of serious substance and fame while they were alive. The BBC site seems a fitting neighbour for Henley Road; one full of forgotten news which seemed so important at the time, one full of forgotten people.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Get By With A Little Help From My Fred?

I love much of the music of the 1960's, and I think I may have enjoyed Woodstock. Not sure though as I lean a bit more towards psychedelic or pop music from that time, and less towards what I call stoner rock.

Moot point in any case as my Mom wouldn't let me go. Something about only being 4.

One singer I've never been a huge fan of is Joe Cocker. I don't hate him, just not my cup 'o tea.

However I've always hated his version of With a Little Help From My Friends. He trashed a perfectly good Beatles song.

I did, however, presume that he knew the words. Turns out he was singing (literally) his own song.

For your 1969 enjoyment:

Here are the actual lyrics:

What would think if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me.
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends,
He gets high with a little help from his friends,
Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends.

What do I do when my love is away.
(Does it worry you to be alone)
How do I feel by the end of the day
(Are you sad because you're on your own)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I'm gonna to try with a little help from my friends

Do you need anybody?
I need somebody to love.
Could it be anybody?
I want somebody to love.

Would you believe in a love at first sight?
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
What do you see when you turn out the light?
I can't tell you, but I know it's mine.
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends

Do you need anybody?
I need someone to love.
Could it be anybody?
I want somebody to love
I get by with a little help from my friends,
I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends
I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends,
with a little help from my friends

Marina Bay Sands 2009

Facebook | Singapore Photos:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'z In Yur Computerz, Racin Yur Bikes

Hey kids, remember Tron?

No? Why not, it's only been 26 years since it came out.

Well if you, like me, saw it when movies were still cranked by hand. And if you liked it. Then you have this to look forward to. The possibly a sequel, possibly a remake (depending on what you've read): Tr2n (Tron 2)

Here some info from

And yes I know the trailer is pretty shitty (quality wise), but it's a Russian bootleg and the best I could find.

Also will probably disappear before too long. Disney already had the YouTube copies yanked.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Pictures of the Week

"Storm Troopers
Chinese police officers take a break in the lobby of the National Aquatics Center ahead of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games."

"Rolling ThunderParamilitary policemen on "assault vehicles" take part in an anti-terrorism drill in Jinan, China. There will be nearly 100,000 commandos, police and members of the military on standby up to and during the Beijing Olympics. "

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow

the shins chutes too narrow rock pop indie mp3 album download free


1. "Kissing the Lipless" – 3:19
2. "Mine's Not a High Horse" – 3:20
3. "So Says I" – 2:48
4. "Young Pilgrims" – 2:47
5. "Saint Simon" – 4:25
6. "Fighting in a Sack" – 2:26
7. "Pink Bullets" – 3:53
8. "Turn a Square" – 3:11
9. "Gone for Good" ("A Call to Apathy" en algunos lanzamientos) – 3:13
10. "Those to Come" – 4:24

Download HERE


Pussycats Starring: The Walkmen

The Walkmen pussycats rock new york mp3 album download freeTracklist

1. Many Rivers To Cross
2. Subterrannean Homesick Blues
3. Don't Forget Me
4. All My Life
5. Old Forgotten Soldier
6. Save The Last Dance For Me
7. Mucho Mungo/Mt. Elga
8. Loop De Loop
9. Black Sails
10. Rock Around The Clock

Download HERE


The Walkmen - Bows + Arrows


1. What's In It For Me
2. Rat, The
3. No Christmas While I'm Talking
4. Little House Of Savages
5. My Old Man
6. 138th St.
7. North Pole, The
8. Hang On Siobhan
9. New Years Eve
10. Thinking Of A Dream I Had
11. Bows And Arrows

Download HERE


The Walkmen - A Hundred Miles Off

The Walkmen Rock new york pop rat arrows bonesTracklist

01 Louisiana
02 Danny's at the Wedding
03 Good for You's Good for Me
04 Emma, Get Me a Lemon
05 All Hands and the Cook
06 Lost in Boston
07 Don't Get Me Down (Come on Over Here)
08 This Job Is Killing Me
09 Tenley Town
10 Brandy Alexander
11 Always After You ('Til You Started After Me)
12 Another One Goes By

Download HERE
