Lately, Cabana has enjoyed laying around outside in the sun. Gone is the need to scurry madly about, checking out and trying to eat every stick, rock, or leaf. I never thought I'd see the day when Cabana would choose to laze around in our backyard. Although I'd still say Cabana has retained a lot of puppy-ish ways, she's done a lot of maturing as well. I finally feel comfortable letting Cabana hang out by herself outside for short periods (I still am a BIT worried that she'll get bored and dig up my flowers, which would NOT make me happy).
Last night at our puppy group, we had the privilege of having Marina, GDB's breeding director, come and speak to us. Her knowledge of the GDB breeding colony is so immense and fascinating, I could have asked her questions all night long.
I told Marina that my secret hope is for Cabana to become a breeder (so we can keep her AND help GDB at the same time). But in so many words, she told me there's no way in heck. Cabana was having trouble settling the whole evening (we had a visiting retired breeder male that was making lots of funny noises, which didn't help Cabana's ability to keep still), and Marina said Cabana seemed "too busy" in both body and mind to be selected to breed. Yes, that's pretty much Cabana to a "t"...drat!
Of course, that was just an informal evaluation from across the room--and I still have hopes that Cabana will get calmer and mature drastically after going into season. But the issue of collar cough/soft trachea still looms as well.
One very interesting thing that Marina told us is that black Labs, in general, tend to outdo their yellow counterparts. Wow, kind of goes against all political correctness about not judging by the color of someone's fur--but that's what she said! Maybe we should request a black puppy next time?
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