Cabana had a very special day today because we got to Poppy-sit!
Poppy is being raised by my puppy group leader, who had a packed schedule today and tonight. So we got to have Poppy for an all-day play date. Have you seen happier-looking dogs? (Although in reality, it's exhaustion--but they do say a tired puppy is a happy puppy!)

I was interested in seeing how Cabana would do with another dog in the house. Let's just say she was VERY VERY VERY excited. I picked Poppy up and brought her home where Cabana was waiting, thinking that I might try to take both Poppy and Cabana for a walk sometime today. I thought I'd let them get used to being with each other, calm down a bit, and then we'd try the walk. Ha! Yeah, right. After letting them "get used to each other" for HOURS, they still NEVER calmed down! (Honestly, these photos are the ONLY few seconds when they weren't thrashing about with each other, when not separated by a barrier.)

Throughout the course of the morning, whenever things threatened to get out of hand, I'd give the dogs a time out. One would go in the crate until things calmed down, or I'd put up the baby gate and keep them on opposite sides.
Finally, I brought out the ex-pen (metal folding gate that can be configured in many ways, sort of like a baby playpen) and put it all the way across the living room. With this set-up, both dogs were able to fall asleep--for about an hour. Then I had to wake them up so I could pick my daughters up at school. After my daughters got home, though, there was too much general commotion in the house for anymore naps before Poppy went home. No doubt, she'll sleep well this evening!!

To top it all off, we bought and decorated our Christmas tree tonight! Cabana was so wiped out that she could barely even participate. Our activities kept her awake, but I know that ordinarily, she'd have been much more excited and curious about all the ornaments, tissue paper, and evergreen aromas. After the tree was all decorated, Cabana could finally get all snug in her bed, while visions of her playdate with Poppy dance in her head!
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