Last night, we brought home Persia! She is a 6 1/2 month old lab/golden cross. So far, she has been doing very well. I haven't seen much evidence of sluggishness yet (her raiser calls her a slug, not me), but we'll see what I think after we go for a walk.
It's so interesting to see the little ways that Persia is different from and also similar to Cabana. Since we haven't had a dog previously, I finally have something to compare against.
And I'm so surprised at how much I miss Cabana! But because she's been with me almost every waking moment since December, I guess it's to be expected--even though I somehow didn't expect it! Still, it IS nice to get an opportunity to miss her--like they say, you don't realize what you've got until you don't have it anymore. Last night, we handed Cabana over to Cherish's raisers, and she sat there with them like it was the most normal thing in the world. She's so resilient, I think she'll have no problems with the adjustment. And Cherish's raisers have raised a handful of dogs, so they know what they're doing a lot better than we do. I told them to fix all her problems this week and give us back a perfect dog!
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