Tonight at our puppy meeting, we will be starting a puppy swap. For GDB raisers, this is when you go home with a different puppy, in our case, for a full week. This exposes our puppies to a variety of people, lifestyles, routines, and outings. It will help us to see where our puppies need more work and will also probably point out where the raisers need more work, too.
This will be our first swap, and I have to say it's a bit nerve racking. A couple of days wouldn't be so tough, but a whole week is daunting. It feels a bit like airing your dirty laundry--who knows what issues will be brought to light?! But it's all in the name of learning and growing, and it will be good for Cabana, and unfortunately, good for me, too. (Just because it's good for me doesn't mean I have to like it, kind of like brussels sprouts--although I actually DO like brussels sprouts.)
Morrissey, the golden retriever in our group, has been career changed, so he will not be part of the swap. And Poppy isn't allowed to swap yet, being a recent transfer. So, the swap will consist of Cabana, Persia, Hamlin, Tara and Cherish. Wonder who we'll get. Our group seems so small suddenly!
Any tips for puppy swapping? I know I'm going to need all the help we can get!!
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