I recently purchased these poop bags from this eBay seller. These 600+ biodegradable bags in blue came with the little pawprint dispenser and cost less than $23 with free shipping. We now have enough poop bags to last us until Cabana goes in for formal training. I keep a roll of these bags in my purse, in the car, in my dog-walking pack, by the front door, and by the back door.
When Cabana poops in our backyard, we immediately pick up her poop with one of these blue bags and throw it into our garbage bin. So, we go through 3-4 of these bags everyday.
But I've wondered if that's what everyone does? Maybe we're "wasting" too many bags and there's a much easier way to deal with poop. How do you eliminate your dog's eliminations? Please let me know if there's a simpler method.
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