Today, my daughters and I went swimming at the pool where I work. Unfortunately, Cabana still wasn't too keen on swimming. She likes being around the pool, but not so much IN the pool. Mostly, Cabana ended up laying on the hot cement. I tried to get her to lay on a towel in the shade--but she opted for the heat instead. Must be the yellow Lab thing that Emily referred to!
Later this week, we'll be attending a 4th of July party at a friend's house, but we don't plan to stay out to see fireworks. It might be too much for Cabana if we tried to take her. And because certain fireworks are legal in our county, there will definitely be a lot of loud ones set off in our neighborhood. Even though Cabana doesn't have fear issues, I wouldn't want to leave Cabana home by herself, in case the sounds are frightening to her. So we'll forego the oohs and aahhs for this year.
Then later this month, we'll be going camping. I will endure Cabana's snores close at hand, since we'll have her sleep in the tent with us. I'm going to bring my ear plugs for sure. Cabana will have to be on tie down throughout most of the day--so she'll get a lot of practice on that.
With July upon us, there's so much about dogs and summertime that will be new to me--things like tender foot pads walking on hot cement, keeping Cabana cool and comfortable, and other safety concerns. Any tips on any/all these issues would be appreciated!!
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