Last night, Cabana and I got to have a bit of individualized time with our CFR (Community Field Representative) Celeste and another CFR from Oregon, Pat. We wanted to work on Cabana's walking and dog distraction. This is our biggest challenge because Cabana still pulls quite a bit on leash, ESPECIALLY when other dogs are around.
We worked on a better way for me to hold the leash (way down on the braided section, just a few inches from the clasp) and where exactly Cabana should be positioned in relation to me (right next to my knee). We worked on having Cabana sit straight when on leash (she was tending to angle her bottom outward), as well as how I should turn left into Cabana and make us go in the opposite direction if she's pulling forward to meet an oncoming dog.
This morning on our walk, I put all those strategies into play. And there was such marked improvement. Now I feel like I have a whole new bag of tricks to help us be more successful. During our time with the CFRs, they determined that there should be no treats given during walks (too confusing for Cabana at this point) and no training collar. Cabana will be strictly on the head collar and eventually transition to just the flat collar.
Also at our meeting last night, we worked on prolonged sit-stays and down-stays, with lots of distractions thrown in. Kids walked in and around the pups with toys and squeakers and treats. Cabana is very good at staying. And considering how much she LOVES other dogs, I was amazed and proud of Cabana for staying put in such distracting circumstances.
And here is the requested photo of Persia (I didn't forget, Taelor!). She wasn't at the meeting last week when I took photos of the other pups. Persia is a cutie, although her raiser says she's a bit of a "slug" (low energy). (Hello, I wouldn't mind getting a slug for our puppy swap in a couple weeks.)

And a few of the career change dogs that sometimes come to our meetings. Here's Truman, who lives with Hamlin and family. Seven-year-old Truman is like a big cuddly teddy bear--so sweet and gentle.

And funny little Berlin, who is staying with Poppy this week.

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