Yesterday, I gave Cabana a much-needed brushing. She's shedding so much, I'd think she was going bald. Look how much fur I removed from her coat, even though I brushed her a week ago!

The weird thing is that Cabana would like nothing better than to EAT that whole pile of fur. Blecch! I can somewhat understand the appealing crunch factor of wanting to eat a piece of bark or even wanting to sample the flavor of a pebble--but I don't see WHAT could be desirable about having a big clod of your own fur in your throat. I know cats do it all the time, but they can't help it--it's just a byproduct of trying to be clean. There's no redeeming quality in eating fur just for the sake of eating it!
Note to self--don't wear black sweatpants the next time you decide to give Cabana a good brushing. It's just not a good idea.

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