These are photos of Cabana during the first month we got her--December 2008. If it weren't for blogging, the past four months would all be a big blur. I didn't start blogging until January, though--so for many reasons, December is still a big blur.
But I know that the GDB Puppy Truck is making its rounds now and that there are lots of folks waiting patiently (or not) for their puppy to arrive. Many people know what is in store for them with a brand new puppy, having raised before. But others are probably like I was--newbies without a clue.
So for today's Tuesday Topic, I thought it'd be great to share our best new puppy tips. Of course, we all know NOTHING is as wonderful as snuggling a little 2-month old puppy, smelling her puppy breath, and massaging all that loose skin that will take her months to grow into. But what helped you make it through those challenging first weeks, when the puppy is completely tabula rasa?

My tip: get ear plugs. Cabana barked and cried in her crate at night for the first two weeks, sometimes for as long as 45 minutes. It was really difficult to wait it out. I worried that she needed to relieve, even though she had just relieved. I worried that the neighbors could hear her and that she was keeping them awake. I worried that my kids couldn't sleep and would be tired at school the next day. I would lay in my bed, looking at the digital clock on my nightstand, and literally count each minute until she'd stop. Finally, I started using ear plugs, which didn't block out all the sound--but it helped me feel a little more relaxed. The barking didn't sound as loud, and I was able to stop watching the minutes on the clock.
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