Cabana's information packet from Guide Dogs for the Blind included a letter stating that her litter has been set aside for possible international placement. I don't know much about this at all, but my puppy group leader mentioned that GDB has a relationship with South Korea to help increase their breeding stock and that South Korea only uses yellow labs.
I did a bit of online research, and it looks like Cabana, if selected, will be going to the Samsung Guide Dog School. Sure enough, they only have photos of yellow labs on their site.
Ironically, I myself am Korean and was born in Seoul, Korea. I came to the U.S. when I was 2 years old, so my Korean language skills are embarrassing. However, I wondered if I should start teaching Cabana a few commands in Korean, so she'll have an inkling of what people over there are telling her to do. "Chokoman gang-aji, ahn jyuh ra!" (Don't worry, I'm not really going to do this.)
It makes me sad to think of Cabana going that far away. Even the thought of her being on an airplane, flying away from our home at hundreds of miles per hour makes me tear up. But that's what we signed on for when we decided to be puppy raisers. We can't choose where these dogs end up. And we have to trust that no matter what, Cabana will bring hope and help to people in need.
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