
Thursday, April 14, 2011

marriage quotes

marriage quotes

marriage quotes marriage quotes marriage quotes

marriage quotes marriage quotes marriage quotes

Love withers under constraints: its very essence is liberty: it is compatible neither with obedience, jealousy, nor fear: it is there most pure, perfect, and unlimited where its votaries live in confidence, equality and unreserve. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley

Christianity tells people to repent and promises them forgiveness. It therefore has nothing (as far as I know) to say to people who do not know they have done anything to repent of and who do not feel that they need forgiveness. ~C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

A young lady is a female child who has just done something dreadful. ~Judith Martin

Near this spot are deposited the remains of one who possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity, and all the Virtues of Man, without his Vices. This Praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery if inscribed over human ashes, is but a just tribute to the Memory of Boatswain, a Dog. ~George Gordon, Lord Byron, "Inscription on the Monument of a Newfoundland Dog"

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. ~Will Rogers

They're sure housework won't kill you, but why take the risk? Author Unknown

There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes. ~William J. Bennett, The Book of Virtues

The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

No matter what happens... somebody will find a way to take it too seriously. ~Dave Barry, "Things That It Took Me 50 Years to Learn"

To ride a horse is to ride the sky. ~Author Unknown

Hearing protection is a sound investment. ~Author Unknown

And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away that which had no further use. And soon the earth was covered with plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and disposable bottles and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and cried: "Look at this Godawful mess." ~Art Buchwald, 1970

A wee child toddling in a wonder world.... I prefer to their dogma my excursions into the natural gardens where the voice of the Great Spirit is heard in the twittering of birds, the rippling of mighty waters, and the sweet breathing of flowers. If this is Paganism, then at present, at least, I am a Pagan. ~Zitkala-Sa

If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style. ~Quentin Crisp

I have known a German Prince with more titles than subjects, and a Spanish nobleman with more names than shirts. ~Oliver Goldsmith I have known no man of genius who had not to pay, in some affliction or defect, either physical or spiritual, for what the gods had given him. ~Max Beerbohm, Zuleika Dobson, 1911

My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require. ~Edward Elgar

A photograph is like the recipe - a memory the finished dish. ~Carrie Latet

Poker is as elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you could find outside an advertising agency. ~Raymond Chandler

Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good. ~Joe Paterno

No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical. ~Niels Bohr

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